Gerücht Buzz auf sea kayak near me

Ur tour continues towards Hamidiye Bay, mesmerizing you with its impressive scenery. Hinein the village of Simena Kale, you can Teich ancient ruins and traces of a historic castle. One of our final stops is Adalar Bay, where you can relax, swim, and enjoy a pleasant time.

You'll also discover the submerged remains of Mediterranean cities that were destroyed by volcanic eruptions rein the 2nd century.

Kayak south towards Aquarium Bay Two where you will stop for refreshments on the ruins of an ancient harbour, then jump into the crystal blue waters for some swimming and snorkelling.

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After that, we made preparations to get on the sea kayak. Then ur guide gave us the necessary gear like life jackets, dry bags and fallout skirts. Afterwards, he gave a brief information both to adjust the foot pedals and to Weiher how the pedals work. In the next step, he introduced all the equipments and we did hands-on practices for paddling in the most effective way.

In here, you can rest hinein the shade and have some snacks or look at the Xera Ruins or swim hinein crystal clear waters. After half an hour, we started paddling towards the Sunken City.

The restaurants here usually serve fish but will serve any kind of food and drink upon request. Those that wish can sea kayaking near me also take a small boat to Ucagiz and eat at the restaurants there.

If you strained your ears past the cries of the crickets, you could almost hear the hustle and bustle of the streets as people swapped stories rein the Talkshow, for this welches Kekova, once a thriving city hinein the Roman empire, now nothing more than a cluster of bricks and stone sunken into the sea.

With this tour, we start sea kayak tours near me by enjoying an aquatic adventure near Kekova and the sunken city, instead of taking a prolonged journey hinein the sea to get there!

Aperlai is a sunken city located on the Sahilkilincli peninsula to the southwest of Kekova. There is no road running here despite it being on the mainland.

However, a series of earthquakes and other geological influences buried it six meters (20 feet) under the sea. The area is off-limits to swimmers and divers so kayaking is the closest you can get to the underwater foundations, walls, and mosaics dating back 2000 years.

There are also strangely shaped rock islands that have been hollowed out as they were used as stone quarries and later as dwellings.

Each swimming stop was 30 to 45 minutes so we had plenty of time to enjoy the water. Snorkel gear was available from the cafe for rent, but we recommend bringing your own goggles if possible.

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